Wednesday, November 16, 2011


American Censorship Day Information

The Real Story of Thansgiving

This holiday season, we should all take a little more time than normal to reflect on this country and its values and how they align with our own sense of morality. We are heading into uncharted waters, and Thanksgiving has always been there to remind us what family and pure fellowship and thanks is all about. We need not turn a blind eye to the lessons history can teach us, however, which is why I feel it is important to share this video with you 1-2 people who occasionally read my blog. This film was shot as an alternative to watching a particularly bad football game that probably involved a Romo or a pre-2011 Detroit Lions team, right after the feast at my mom and dad's house. What you are about to see is how shit really went down when the Pilgrims and Indians first confronted each'n'other. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Standing Indian Mountain, AT in NC

Great vista from the hike this year in North Carolina. More pics and a review coming soon!